Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (2024)

Last updated on Sep 05, 2022 at 15:50by Sinzhu3 comments

The Dragonflight expansion features the return of a new and improvedRenown system of gaining reputation, and is used for the mainfactions of the Dragon Isles. Here, you will learn about one of theseknown as the Dragonscale Expedition and discover its rewards at every Renownlevel, important profession recipes tied to your reputation, and what uniqueweekly activities are available for you involving it.


Dragonscale Expedition Background

Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (1)

The Dragonscale Expedition is a new faction in Azeroth's history, onlyrecently forming as a new united front by the Alliance's Explorer's League andthe Horde's Reliquary in their mission to learn everything they can about themysterious Dragon Isles. If you have been missing the Archeology professionor have been wanting to see a rework to it, this reputation is for you. By joiningin their research, not only will you be able to make use of unique explorationtools around the isles, but also uncover secrets and knowledge that could rewriteour understanding of history itself!


Meeting the Expedition

You will first gain access to this Renown-based reputationvery early on in Dragonflight. In fact, it is the Expedition that is responsiblefor arranging your initial transportation to the isles after the events ofthe Dragonflight Pre-Patch! With that in mind, your progression with thisfaction properly begins with the quest Explorers in Peril at WingrestEmbassy. However, it is only later in your time exploring The Waking Shoresthat you will find the official base camp of the expedition. At this point, youmay pick up the Orientation: Dragonscale Basecamp quest to help introduceyourself to many of the important NPCs involved with its rewards. Note, however,that you may still earn reputation with the Expedition even before being able toclaim any rewards for reaching higher Renown levels.

If you would like to learn more about how earning reputation andRenown works within the four major factions ofDragonflight, please see our overview below.

Dragonflight Renown System Explained


Why Gain Renown with the Dragonscale Expedition

Although all Renown-based reputations in Dragonflightmostly contain "optional" rewards such as mounts, cosmetic armorand weapon appearances, toys, battle pets, titles, and uniqueDragonriding customizations, they also provide access to a variety ofadditional activities within the zones of the Dragon Isles that alsoreward extra gear and may prove valuable while initially gearing a characterat Level 70. In addition, note that many of the rewards and features of thisreputation are account-based unlocks that also feature catch-up mechanismsfor alts. This is especially helpful if you wish to acquire some of the uniqueProfession recipes that are locked behind specific renown levels.

If you are behind on your Renown, you may wish to take advantageof the Dreamsurges present throughout the zones of the Dragon Islesas of Patch 10.1.7. In addition to providing easy access to catchup gearfor your character as you do world quests in a zone with an active Dreamsurge,you may also occasionally receive the Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (3) Dreamsurge Learnings buff for 30minutes at a time. This buff increases your experience and reputation earningsby 50% while active!

For the Dragonscale Expedition in particular, here is a summary of all rewards availablefrom maximizing its 25 Renown levels:

  • Unlock many exploration-themed activities and world quests, such as rockclimbing, field photography, and blasting open caves with explosives;
  • Access additional world quests and treasure nodes throughout the Dragon Isles;
  • Gain the use of Ancient Waygates for faster transportation around the isles;
  • Item level 376 and 389 gear;
  • 27 Profession recipes;
  • 9 Dragonriding customizations;
  • 6 toys;
  • 2 battle pets;
  • 2 mounts, with more obtainable from other reward activities;
  • 11+ cosmetic weapon and armor appearances.


Dragonscale Expedition Renown Rewards

Below you can find tables breaking down the rewards for all 25 Renown levelscurrently available to progress through with the Dragonscale Expedition, along with someadditional notes elaborating them further.



Renown 1-5

LevelRewardRelevant NPCAdditional Info
1The Dragonscale Expedition-Default renown level upon completing the quest Explorers in Peril
2Expedition Scout PacksPathfinder JebExpedition Scout pack treasures can be found all across theDragon Isles, containing Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (4) Dragon Isles Supplies,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (5) Primal Chaos, and Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (6) Dragon Isles Artifacts that canbe turned in for additional reputation
3Simple Expedition ToolsRae'ana4 cosmetic weapons (Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (7) Excavator's Mallet, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (8) Excavator's Punch,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (9) Excavator's Chisel, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (10) Excavator's Trowel)
4Dragonscale Expedition CloaksPathfinder Jeb4 cosmetic cloak transmogs (all unique models, includingDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (11) Renowned Expeditioner's Cape, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (12) Renowned Expeditioner's Cloak,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (13) Renowned Expeditioner's Armored Shawl, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (14) Renowned Expeditioner's Drape)
5Buried TreasuresPathfinder JebRequires Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (15) Sturdy Expedition Shovels. Mounds are clusteredtogether and can contain additional reputation tokens, among other rewards


Renown 6-10

LevelRewardRelevant NPCAdditional Info
6Expedition ClimbersDoc NannersUnlocks Rock Climbing minigames and world quests
6Expedition Supply KitPathfinder JebThe Expedition Supply kit is a small number of quality of lifeupgrades that can be unlocked for rock climbing and field photographyactivities
7Advanced Expedition ToolsRae'ana3 cosmetic weapon appearances (Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (16) Expedition Excavator,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (17) Trusty Sweeper, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (18) Researcher's Magnifier)
7Ancient Waygates IThaelin DarkanvilAncient Waygates allow teleportation between a variety of ruinlocations; this first waygate links to the Cobalt Assembly inThe Azure Span
8Cataloging the ExpeditionDoc NannersUnlocks Field Photography minigames and world quests
8Ancient Waygates IIThaelin DarkanvilUnlock a third Ancient Waygate
9Wayfinder's CompassPathfinder JebDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (19) Wayfinder's Compass toy
9Drakewatcher Manuscripts IRae'anaDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (20) Renewed Proto-Drake: Spined Brow,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (21) Renewed Proto-Drake: Maned Crest, andDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (22) Renewed Proto-Drake: Spiked Jaw Dragonridingcustomizations
10Bonus Supplies I-25% chance of additional Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (23) Dragon Isles Supplies fromany treasure chest on the Dragon Isles
10Word of a Worthy Ally I-Gain +100% Dragonscale Expedition rep for all characters on your accountbelow Renown 10 with them
10Ancient Waygates IIIThaelin DarkanvilUnlock a fourth Ancient Waygate


Renown 11-15

LevelRewardRelevant NPCAdditional Info
11Animal SpecialistGranpap WhiskersDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (24) Gray Marmoni and Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (25) Black Skitterbug battle pets
12Expedition Equipment IPathfinder JebItem level 376 gloves (Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (26) Relic Handler's Gloves,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (27) Relic Handler's Gloves, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (28) Relic Handler's Grips,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (29) Relic Handler's Gauntlets)
13Questline: A Mystery, SealedNaleidea RivergleamContinue the story of the Dragonscale Expedition, beginning withThe Sealed Door
13Expedition CookingBoss MagorDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (30) Recipe: Salad on the Side
14Dragonscale Expedition EnsemblesPathfinder JebCosmetic armor set (Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (31) Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Cloth Armor,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (32) Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Leather Armor,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (33) Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Mail Armor,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (34) Ensemble: Renowned Expeditioner's Plate Armor)
14Crafter's Knowledge IBoss MagorGain free profession knowledge for use with your chosen DragonflightProfession
15Drakewatcher Manuscripts IIRae'anaDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (35) Renewed Proto-Drake: Spiked Club Tail,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (36) Renewed Proto-Drake: Swept Horns, andDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (37) Renewed Proto-Drake: Harrier Pattern Dragonridingcustomizations
15Ancient Waygates IVThaelin DarkanvilUnlock a fifth Ancient Waygate


Renown 16-20

LevelRewardRelevant NPCAdditional Info
16Magical Treasure ChestsRae'anaFunction similarly to the Expedition Scout packs across theDragon Isles, containing artifacts that may be turned infor additional reputation, among other resources
17Researching in ComfortRae'anaDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (38) Soft Purple Pillow, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (39) Skinny Reliquary Pillow,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (40) Small Triangular Pillow toys
17Ancient Waygates VThaelin DarkanvilUnlock a sixth Ancient Waygate
18Bonus Supplies II-50% chance of additional Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (41) Dragon Isles Supplies fromany treasure chest on the Dragon Isles
18Expedition Equipment IIPathfinder JebItem level 389 leg armor (Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (42) Dragonscale Expedition Leggings,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (43) Dragonscale Expedition Breeches, Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (44) Dragonscale Expedition Greaves,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (45) Dragonscale Expedition Legguards)
19Dragonscale Expedition TabardCataloger JakesDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (46) Dragonscale Expedition Tabard
19Banners of the United FactionsCataloger JakesDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (47) Reliquary Banner and Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (48) Explorer's League Banner toys
20Explosive ArchaeologyPathfinder JebDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (49) Expedition Explosives may be used to blast open rock wallsacross the Dragon Isles with hidden caves inside.
20Word of a Worthy Ally II-Gain +100% Dragonscale Expedition rep for all characters on your accountbelow Renown 20 with them, and +200% when below Renown 10
20Ancient Waygates VIThaelin DarkanvilUnlock a seventh Ancient Waygate


Renown 21-25

LevelRewardRelevant NPCAdditional Info
21Quack-E Quack ModulatorPathfinder JebDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (50) Quack-E Quack Modulator, used to create Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (51) Quack-Ewith Engineering
21Jeweled Whelpling Treasure MapsBoss MagorUse maps such as Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (52) Onyx Gem Cluster Map to potentially acquirerecipes and materials to craft five rare Jewelcrafting pets
22Drakewatcher Manuscripts IIIRae'anaDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (53) Cliffside Wylderdrake: Red Scales,Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (54) Highland Drake: Red Scales, andDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (55) Windborne Velocidrake: Red Scales Dragonridingcustomizations
23Ancient Waygates VIIThaelin DarkanvilUnlock an eighth Ancient Waygate
23Crafter's Knowledge IIBoss MagorGain free profession knowledge for use with your chosen DragonflightProfession
24Questline: In the Halls of TitansCataloger JakesContinue the Dragonscale Expedition story, beginning withBreak on Through
25SkitterflyingGranpap WhiskersDragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (56) Tamed Skitterfly and Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (57) Azure Skitterfly mounts
25A Heroic RewardUnatosObtain one free Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (58) Primal Infusion, used when craftingitem level 395 gear with Dragonflight Professions. Canbe used in Crafting Orders
25Intrepid Explorer-"Intrepid Explorer" title


Dragonscale Expedition Quartermaster and NPCs

Although there are many NPCs among the Expedition, there are a handfulthat are more important due to being frequent vendors of its many Renownrewards. However, with that being said, all purchasable Renownrewards can also be acquired from Cataloger Jakes in Dragonscale Basecamp!She acts as the faction's quartermaster and can be found at coordinates47.10, 82.58 in The Waking Shores; look forher in the basecamp's tent, near the Dragonscale Basecamp flight point.Otherwise, due to the compact nature of Dragonscale Basecamp, you should be ableto find any relevant NPCs without too much trouble.


Dragonscale Expedition Profession Recipes

In addition to the cosmetic rewards offered at various Renownlevels, there are a number of Profession recipes available forpurchase as well. Some of these may prove especially important for you if youare looking to make some extra Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (60)Gold or acquire additional profession knowledge!The recipes, their required renown level, and relevant profession are listedbelow.

Note that all of these recipes can be acquired from Cataloger Jakesin the Dragonscale Basecamp of Waking Shores.

Renown LevelRecipeProfession
5Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (61) Plans: Sturdy Expedition ShovelBlacksmithing
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (62) Schematic: Gravitational DisplacerEngineering
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (63) Schematic: Primal Deconstruction ChargeEngineering
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (64) Design: Radiant MalygiteJewelcrafting
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (65) Design: Energized MalygiteJewelcrafting
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (66) Design: Sensei's NelthariteJewelcrafting
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (67) Design: Keen NelthariteJewelcrafting
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (68) Formula: Enchant Cloak - Graceful AvoidanceEnchanting
9Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (69) Formula: Enchant Boots - Rider's ReassuranceEnchanting
13Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (70) Recipe: Salad on the SideCooking
13Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (71) Design: Idol of the LifebinderJewelcrafting
13Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (72) Design: Idol of the LifebinderJewelcrafting
13Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (73) Design: Idol of the Earth WarderJewelcrafting
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (74) Schematic: Spring-Loaded Khaz'gorite Fabric CuttersEngineering
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (75) Schematic: Bottomless Mireslush Ore SatchelEngineering
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (76) Design: Magnificent Margin MagnifierJewelcrafting
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (77) Pattern: Master's Wildercloth Fishing CapTailoring
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (78) Pattern: Master's Wildercloth Chef's HatTailoring
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (79) Pattern: Explorer's Banner of GeologyTailoring
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (80) Pattern: Explorer's Banner of HerbologyTailoring
15Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (81) Technique: Renewed Proto-Drake: Spined CrestInscription
17Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (82) Pattern: Cold CushionTailoring
17Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (83) Pattern: Dragonscale Expedition's Expedition TentTailoring
19Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (84) Azureweave Expedition PackTailoring
19Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (85) Technique: Contract: Dragonscale ExpeditionInscription
21Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (86) Schematic: Quack-EEngineering
21Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (87) Pattern: Duck-Stuffed Duck LovieTailoring
21Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (88) Technique: Illusion Parchment: Magma MissileEnchanting


Dragonscale Expedition Activities

The Dragonscale Expedition is somewhat unique among the other Renownfactions of Dragonflight, in that none of its activities are reallyrestricted to the player. This is because many of the minigames that can be donewith the help of your explorer's equipment will either be randomly found whileroaming around the Dragon Isles or active as world quests. With that beingsaid, some activities remain more engaging than others, such as rock climbing andfield photography, compared to finding Expedition Scout's Packs. To that end,there is the Expedition Supply Kit, initially unlocked at Renown 6, whichwill provide many quality-of-life improvements to these activities.


Further Reading

The Dragonscale Expedition is just one of the main Renown-based reputationspresent in Dragonflight. If you would like to learn more about theothers, please see our overviews of them below!

Maruuk CentaurIskaara TuskarrValdrakken AccordLoamm Niffen



  • 05 Sep. 2023: Added mention of the Dreamsurge Learnings buff in Patch 10.1.7.
  • 12 Jul. 2023: Page reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 24 Nov. 2022: Page added.

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Dragonscale Expedition Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2) (2024)


What dungeon gives Dragonscale Expedition rep? ›

So to get rep with the Dragonscale expedition, you want to head to the Waking shores and do a ton of side quests, you can also find a few side quests in the other zones that are tied to the expedition, however most will be in the Waking Shores.

What is the max reputation in Dragonflight? ›

You can earn these reputation points by completing several in-game tasks like world quests or weekly quests. As you reach the next renown level, you unlock rewards. The max renown level you can achieve in World of Warcraft Dragonflight is capped at 80.

What is the 10% buff for them from the forbidden reach? ›

Once you choose the faction you'd like to help out, you will receive a 10% reputation buff for all reputation gains for that faction for 23 hours. The faction envoy may offer quests which reward reputation and Elemental Overflow. The faction envoys also double as vendors and sell faction appropriate items.

How do you farm dragon scales? ›

Dragon scales are obtained by hitting the dragon anywhere on the body — except the mouth, feet, or horns — with either a melee or a ranged weapon. But while you can farm scales with your bow, if you're able to just hop on the dragon and do a quick hit with a melee weapon, it'll be an easier method all around.

What is the best pet to level in Dragonflight? ›

For Leveling, the best choice is a Ferocity pet. They can heal themselves upon inflicting damage. Ferocity pets also can grant Primal Rage for your party, which is an analog to Bloodlust effect.

How do you increase rep in Dragonflight? ›

How to Increase Renown in Dragonflight. You can increase your Renown with a faction through the weekly quest named Aiding the Accord, which you can pick up in Valdrakken. The exact location of the quest is marked with an exclamation point icon on the map below. The quest objective is simple.

How to get Dragonscale armor Ragnarok? ›

The Dragon Scaled Set can be crafted after reaching The Crater in Vanaheim, and requires Resources you can only get from dragons, drakes, and drekis. It consists of the Dragon Scaled Breastplate (chest armor), Dragon Scaled Bracers (wrist armor), and Dragon Scaled Girdle (waist armor).


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