How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (2024)

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (1)

How a jellyfish is born will depend on the species since jellyfish can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Despite having a relatively simple morphology, jellyfish reproduction can be an often complicated process and has certain features which are distinct to their species. Jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria which also contains other marine life such as sea anemones. Specifically, these cnidarians are known for their gelatinous body which is bell shaped and has a single body cavity. They have tentacles with specialized cells called cnidocytes, used for protection by producing a harmful sting. These animals are characterized by having two phases during their development. The first are the juvenile polyps which attach to the substrate and the other is the adult jellyfish which swims freely.

With this background in mind, AnimalWised asks how are jellyfish born? We look at the different types of jellyfish reproduction and how they physically carry out this behavior.

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  1. Do jellyfish lay eggs?
  2. How are jellyfish born?
  3. How many babies can jellyfish have?
  4. Birth of jellyfish according to type
  5. Hydromedusae or hydrozoans
  6. True jellyfish or scyphozoans
  7. Box jellyfish or cubozoans

Do jellyfish lay eggs?

In the introduction, we have distinguished between the adult jellyfish known as a medusa and the juvenile polyp. In terms of reproduction, this distinction is very important. We start by looking at the adult jellyfish form.

In general, most species of jellyfish are dioecious, meaning male and female reproductive organs are found on separate individuals. For sexual reproduction to occur, they both release their gametes into seawater. Once released, the spermatozoa fertilize the ovules as a type of external fertilization. The female cares for these eggs by protecting them with her tentacles. This gives them time to incubate.

Since they incubate eggs, most jellyfish are considered oviparous animals. However, some jellyfish are considered ovoviviparous since the female takes up the eggs which have been released into the water after fertilization and will incubate them inside for a time[1]. These include jellyfish from the families Carybdeidae and Alatinidae.

There are species where the same individual has both male and female sex organs. This means they are types of hermaphrodite animals. Species of hermaphrodite jellyfish are very rare, although there are some reported cases such as certain moon jellyfish contained within the genus Aurelia.

With hermaphrodite jellyfish, the individual themselves releases the two types of gametes into the water, without the intervention of another individual. Although they reproduce asexually, they still have eggs.

Although the sexual reproduction of jellyfish is often complicated and differs according to both species and individuals within a certain species, we can say that adult jellyfish generally reproduce sexually and juvenile polyps reproduce asexually. The latter do so through a process known as strobilation in which budding of new jellyfish occurs.

Jellyfish have alternating generations, meaning they have two phases during their life cycle. They start as a polyp and later become a medusa. In short, how a jellfish is born is a fascinating process since it has more than one form of reproduction.

How are jellyfish born?

The reproductive cycle of jellyfish is characterized by alternation of generations. The juvenile polyps are sessile, meaning they cannot move on their own. They are usually attached to parts of the substrate such as on coral or even on other marine invertebrates. This from an carry out asexual reproduction. Free-living and pelagic jellyfish reproduce sexually.

Jellyfish eggs are incubated between the mother's tentacles. After it develops sufficiently, a larva called a planula is born. When it is ready to become independent, this larva floats free from its mother. After a few days, it descends until it finds a place to adhere, usually on the seabed. It is at this stage it is called a polyp. During this stage, metamorphosis occurs and its shape changes. It develops cilia and a suction cup that allows it to adhere.

During the polyp stage, the jellyfish's appearance is similar to a sea anemone. The polyp feeds on plankton as it slowly matures. When it is ready, the polyp reproduces asexually and forms a colony of small polyps. They arise from the stem of the parent. New members of the colony develop tubes through which they can feed.

This poly phase of the jellyfish life cycle will continue depending on the conditions of its environment. This means it can last from days to several years if the conditions are unfavorable. It is during the next phase of development when the dissolution of the colony occurs. This is when hundreds to thousands of miniature jellyfish are released. This process is known as a jellyfish bloom.

Learn more about jellyfish behavior with our article on what jellyfish eat.

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (2)

How many babies can jellyfish have?

Depending on the species, jellyfish are capable of laying hundreds of eggs. From these eggs small free-swimming larvae known as planulae will emerge. As we explained, life begins in the mother's tentacles. They then begin to swim freely until they find a place to settle. The polyp will then feed and grow into an adult jellyfish. The number of offspring of each jellyfish is not defined. We do know they can lay hundreds of eggs, some studied species lay close to 500. Despite such a large number of eggs, only a small percentage develop.

Birth of jellyfish according to type

As already mentioned, these unique animals are classified in the Cnidaria phylum. They all have certain features which are common to the species. This includes the cnidocytes which allow them to defend themselves against predators. Unlike other species with cnidocytes, those on jellyfish are found in their tentacles. This allows them to kill their prey before being digested.

The term jellyfish is used to refer to hundreds of species that in turn are classified into three large classes. Also known as sea jellies, they all have the polyp and medusa forms, but some species differ according to birth. It is important to note we are only discussing animals from the phylum Cnidaria. This does not include related, but different phyla such as comb jellies.

In the next section we look at the reproduction of jellyfish in more detail by examining specific species and types:

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (3)

Hydromedusae or hydrozoans

This class is made up of both freshwater and seawater species and have alternation of generations. These are the benthic polyps which are asexual and the planktonic jellyfish which are sexual. Many species form colonies of polyps which grow together thanks to a system of tubelike hydrocauli. Each hydrocaulus is protected by an exoskeleton made of chitin.

Unlike the other classes, hydromedusae differ by presenting a mesoglea. This is a structure formed by a gelatinous mass that separates the layers of epithelium and is devoid of living cells. It is generally made up of collagen. They do not have cnidocytes in the skin of their stomach (i.e. the gastrodermis), but they are present in the tentacles which have a powerful poison.

These species make up colonies where each hydrozoa fulfills a certain function. In this way, some are in charge of digestion (called gastrozooids), some are in charge of defending the colony (called dactylozooids) and others are responsible for reproductive functions (gonozoids). A particular detail is that each gonozoid produces asexual polyps that form sessile colonies, which will transform into sexual jellyfish.

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (4)

True jellyfish or scyphozoans

The representatives of this class are those most commonly associated jellyfish. They contain very large species, such as the lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) which can reach almost three meters in length including its tentacles. They also incorporated very small jellyfish that barely reach 2 cm in length.

This class is characterized by having a very short polyp stage. They spend most of their life in the medusa stage. They reproduce sexually by producing eggs from which a planula larva will develop. The larva grows until it is ready for strobilation to occur. Also known as transverse fission, strobilation is the process by which small jellyfish called ephyras originate.

The transverse fission of these jellyfish consists of the division of a kind of superimposed discs, all of them with the same DNA. It is a type of asexual reproduction, so each disc released is an ephyra. Within a short period of time, it will transform into a small jellyfish that will grow until it reaches the adult stage. At this time its biological cycle is complete.

Learn more about the different types of jellyfish.

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (5)

Box jellyfish or cubozoans

This class consists of species distributed in the Philippines, Australia and other tropical regions. They are also known as sea wasps, a name that derives from their dangerous venom present in their tentacles. This is injected through the nematocysts in their tentacles, a structure that inoculates the toxin into its prey like a harpoon.

They are characterized by having a velarium, a structure that resembles the veil present in hydromedusae. In hydromedusae, the veil is a fold of tissue located below the umbel. This is the structure where the mouth is located below. It is concave and gives it the shape of a bell, separating the internal part from the external part. In the case of box jellyfish, the velarium is a structure that is involved in digestion.

In addition, box jellyfish have rhopalia, sensory organs that act as eyes. They allow the ability to orient themselves thanks to the presence of photoreceptors. They are box-shaped, hence the common name of their class. They are of a very characteristic blue color. In this class, strobilation does not occur during reproduction. It is known that some species can copulate and that only one jellyfish emerges from each polyp after metamorphosis.

How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (6)

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1. Bentlage, B., Cartwright, P., Yanagihara, A. A., Lewis, C., Richards, G. S., & Collins, A. G. (2010). Evolution of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa), a group of highly toxic invertebrates. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 277(1680), 493–501.


  • Cortes, J. (1996). Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica: Phylum Cnidaria. Journal of Tropical Biology, 323-334.
  • Deserti, I. (2012). Freshwater cnidarians: the hydras. Biological Bulletin, 25, 1-8.
  • Harrison, F. W., & Westfall, J. A. (1991). Placozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria and Ctenophora. (No. 593.1 MIC).
  • Jáquez-Bermúdez, L. S., Celis-Gutiérrez, L., & del Carmen Franco-Gordo, M. Jellyfish (Cnidaria: Medusozoa) from the southern coast of Jalisco and Colima. Maria del Carmen Franco-Gordo (ed.), 32.
How Are Jellyfish Born? - Jellyfish Reproduction With Diagrams (2024)


How does a jellyfish reproduce? ›

Throughout their lifecycle, jellyfish take on two different body forms: medusa and polyps. Polyps can reproduce asexually by budding, while medusae spawn eggs and sperm to reproduce sexually.

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Comb jellies

As adults, each individual produces both sperm and eggs, and self-fertilization is the norm. These are released into the water, where the egg is fertilized and begins to grow. After about a day, the egg hatches into the larval comb jelly, which has two long, sticky tentacles to capture prey.

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In schyphozoans, a process called strobilation takes place in order for the jellies to reproduce. During strobilation, a polyp splits into 10-15 plate-like segments stacked atop one another in a tower called a strobila. After a segment separates from the strobila, it is called an ephyra, a juvenile jellyfish.

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The life story of a jelly begins just like ours - with a male and a female looking for a chance to mate. At dusk or dawn, adult jellies, known as medusae, gather in large numbers to spawn. This means that they release huge amounts of sperm and unfertilised eggs into the ocean around them.

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Can jellyfish feel pain? Jellyfish don't feel pain in the same way that humans would. They do not possess a brain, heart, bones or a respiratory system. They are 95% water and contain only a basic network of neurons that allow them to sense their environment.

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Jellyfish are usually either male or female (with occasional hermaphrodites). In most cases, adults release sperm and eggs into the surrounding water, where the unprotected eggs are fertilized and develop into larvae.

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If it wasn't sea lice, it might have been baby jellyfish. Neither can be easily seen and both can sting.

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When the medusa the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) dies, it sinks to the ocean floor and begins to decay. Amazingly, its cells then reaggregate, not into a new medusa, but into polyps, and from these polyps emerge new jellyfish.

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The term “jellyfish babies” is a Marshallese moniker for a disturbingly common birth “defect” of babies born with transparent skin and no bones. These babies are unable to survive for more than a few days outside of the womb.

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Theoretically, this process can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal, although in practice individuals can still die. In nature, most Turritopsis dohrnii are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the medusa stage without reverting to the polyp form.

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In response to physical damage or even starvation, they take a leap back in their development process, transforming back into a polyp. In a process that looks remarkably like immortality, the born-again polyp colony eventually buds and releases medusae that are genetically identical to the injured adult.

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So when one of these medusae suffers an injury, faces starvation, or is otherwise imperiled by circ*mstances, it can go back to being a polyp and re-spawn more identical jellyfish. “It's one of the most amazing discoveries of our time,” said Lisa-ann Gershwin, a jellyfish researcher based in Tasmania.

Can jellyfish live for 1000 years? ›

Turritopsis dohrnii is called the immortal jellyfish because it can potentially live forever. Jellyfish start life as larvae before establishing themselves on the seafloor and transforming into polyps. These polyps then produce free-swimming medusas, or jellyfish.

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Cubozoans reproduce sexually, with the male passing sperm to the female, who either hosts or releases fertilized eggs as they become larvae. The settled polyps can then reproduce asexually by budding. Hydrozoans and Staurozoans also have both sexual and asexual methods of reproduction.

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Instead of a single, centralized brain, jellyfish possess a net of nerves. This “ring” nervous system is where their neurons are concentrated—a processing station for sensory and motor activity. These neurons send chemical signals to their muscles to contract, allowing them to swim.

What is the lifespan of a jellyfish? ›

Most jellyfish are short lived. Medusa or adult jellyfish typically live for a few months, depending on the species, although some species can live for 2-3 years in captivity. Polyps can live and reproduce asexually for several years, or even decades. One jellyfish species is almost immortal.

Are jellyfish easy to breed? ›

If the jellyfish have clean water, constant temperature and salinity and are fed once a day, it will be easy for you to breed them.

What is the mating ritual of a jellyfish? ›

In this species, a male will use his tentacles to grab a female's tentacles; he will then drag her around for a while before pulling her in close to him. Next, he will produce and release a spermatophore (sperm packet), and use his tentacles to pass it to one of the female's tentacles.


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